Apa Itu Emo?

ID yahoo aku emo.arts iaitu singkatan daripada nama samaran aku iaitu Emoisme Artist. Tapi ramai yg menyangka aku ni budak emo dan ada juga yang tanya aku apa maksud emo tuh. Sebenarnya aku pon tak tahu sangat pasal emo nih. Apa yg aku tau, emo tu genre lagu dan juga fensyen remaja skarang. Bagi aku emo ni lebih kurang sama atau mungkin revolusi daripada gothic.

Itu pendapat aku sbelum aku baca keterangan nih.

Emo Definition

What is emo? Well most people would consider it punk with emotion is what we would call the classification of a new rising way of feeling your inner self.

More About Emo

Close enough to punk and rock Emo is now know for it's more emotional state of mind. Instead of the anger hard-core way of expressing one-self , Emo (short for emotional) has taken a new tole on the twentith century of expressing yourself. From the music with strong emotion and feeling, unlike hard rock or this is more of an alternative way to let your feeling be known.Emo is not only a classification or a type of music it's also taken over the way one expresses themself by dressing. It includes the tighter fiting pants to the dyed-black or dark hair with it covering your face. The longer hair in front with the spikes in the back is also a more Emo- or emotional look to dressing. Emo is also being known as for the hot emo guys and emo girls kissing. From pictures all on the web to the music videos. Hot emo girl to girl and well as hot emo guy to guy is becoming more and more adventurous and more open concluding; Emo meaning being comfortable with oneself. Its a more direct way of altering the feelings one has without words, just emotion.
Some say music is not a type of music. That it is more of a fashion and a way of feeling, hence the emotional. Just recently people have been considering emo to be a genre or music.. Taking back Sunday is one of the many bands people consider to be emo.
Wondering why everyone hates emo? Not all emo people are cry babies or sucidial. Many emo kids come from families which are having serious issues whether it being money issues or what have you

Harap peneranagan mereka dapat bagitau korang apa maksud EMO tu. Kiranya emo nih bukanlah satu benda yang khusus. Emo nih ada pecahan-pecahan lagi yang membawa maksud tersendiri bagi setiap satu. Kepada budak-budak emo, korang yang mana satu?


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